Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Computers are marvellous things, but only when they work . . .

There will be a slight delay in any updates on EA for the next few days as all the info from our main computer gets transfered to a brand new version. Gulp! That was an expensive trip to the Apple Store.

Did you know that a six-year-old computer is considered "vintage" and unreparable? And it was very evident that the very young geeks at the Genius Bar could not believe that such an antiquated machine was still in daily use.

I'm also sure that the lucky person who transfers the data will have a hard time believing that anyone would want or need the thousands of cow photos the old machine contains. We live in a different world than most.

What was most incredible was the 20ish service person actually stating that it was "my choice" to live where high speed internet access was unreliable. His theory: people moved to cities to take advantage of all they offer, and one of the most compelling reasons for city life is the availability of the latest and greatest technology.

My response? He's damn lucky that city life is not everyone's cup of tea or he might go hungry. A statement of fact that made absolutey no impact. Apparently technology is manditory; food is optional.

We still have a lot of work to do on the education front.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Now it's heck or high water

As of June 30th sales of  Calgary Stampede "Hell or High Water" t-shirts have raised over $500,000 for the Canadian Red Cross Alberta Floods Fund (see Calgary Herald story). And now the "G" rated "Heck or High Water" version is available for kids. Available on the Stampede Store Website.