Here's hoping your shopping is done, the feathered beef tastes great and the weather cooperates for family and friends to visit. May all your cows find a dry, soft spot to calve on and choose to do so in daylight hours.
Season's best to one and all. On to 2010 - a year full of possibilities for the Angus breed and Angus breeders!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Calgary Bull Sale Entries Extended
Weather conditions in Alberta also caused the Calgary Bull Sale to extend its entry deadlines to Monday, December 7th at 4:00 PM. Traditionally a large percentage of breeders drive their entries in to the Stampede Grounds and that was rather impossible last Friday.
I'm already worn out shoveling snow - and its not even officially winter yet!
I'm already worn out shoveling snow - and its not even officially winter yet!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Wild Weather: Alberta Angus Annual Meeting Postponed
The Alberta Angus Association Annual Meeting scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 5 at Crossfield has been postponed (future date yet to be determined). To read the full text of the emergency email circulated, click the headline above or HERE. We can only hope weather clears for the sales scheduled. The JoNomn Hereford Sale at Clyde has been postponed and it certainly could happen to others. Be sure to double check any event before heading out on the road.
The EA internet is down, but the 2009 World Angus Forum came to the rescue. How? In order to update results as they happened during the WAF this past summer, an internet stick had to be purchased. Turns out it still works, though rather slowly, during raging blizzards and 70 km/hour winds when every other source is buried in snow. Hooray for the Bell network (about the only time I'll ever say that!).
Remind me again why we live here (just kidding) . . .
The EA internet is down, but the 2009 World Angus Forum came to the rescue. How? In order to update results as they happened during the WAF this past summer, an internet stick had to be purchased. Turns out it still works, though rather slowly, during raging blizzards and 70 km/hour winds when every other source is buried in snow. Hooray for the Bell network (about the only time I'll ever say that!).
Remind me again why we live here (just kidding) . . .
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Almost like being there???
Sadly I'm still at home and won't be heading to Agribition this year, but results and news and photos will be posted as soon as available on You can also watch the Supreme Challenge live at on Nov. 28 (time listed is 4 pm). There will be an exceptionally strong contingent of both Black & Red Angus there so it should make for exciting viewing. Any guesses on the judges? See you online when we all find out!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
'As good as being there' (without the smells)
OK, so I'm not actually on the road but I did watch the Supreme Show from Farmfair on the internet and the heading above is a direct quote from Mark Shologan, purebred rep from
It was great to see a commercial pen win the trailer and way too funny watching the selection wheel spin, and spin, and spin and spin some more. Bet they have that piece of equipment fixed next year.
Angus did exceptionally well. Complete results will be posted as soon as provided by Northlands. Congrats to all the winners!
If you can't be there, be sure to watch the Agribition Supreme Challenge live on on Nov. 28.
It was great to see a commercial pen win the trailer and way too funny watching the selection wheel spin, and spin, and spin and spin some more. Bet they have that piece of equipment fixed next year.
Angus did exceptionally well. Complete results will be posted as soon as provided by Northlands. Congrats to all the winners!
If you can't be there, be sure to watch the Agribition Supreme Challenge live on on Nov. 28.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009 for cattle on the road
You may be stuck at home like me but maybe your cows and bulls need to get on the road somewhere. If so, check out the newly launched website Share a ride and save some money. Helge By of By Livestock, the company behind the idea says efficient management practises have become a necessity of survival.
"We thought by putting it on the net, we would be able to broaden the scope for longer hauls and access a larger pool of producers."
So save some gas, time and resources and check out before heading down the road towing a trailer.
"We thought by putting it on the net, we would be able to broaden the scope for longer hauls and access a larger pool of producers."
So save some gas, time and resources and check out before heading down the road towing a trailer.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Autumn Legacy Weekend
Golf, poker and Angus - what more could you ask for?
Dave & Lynne Longshore & Family had a good weekend when Bar-E-L Angus of Stettler was honoured as the Ed Boake Memorial Purebred Breeder of the Year. To top it off, their name was drawn by Earl Scott as the winner of the heifer calf generously donated by Scott Stock Farms of Crossfield (the Red heifer was selected).
Hern Ranches, Jim & Carol Hern & Family of Bindloss, AB were recognized as the 2009 Alberta Commercial Breeder of the Year. Congratulations!
Show results and photos are now posted HERE.
Dave & Lynne Longshore & Family had a good weekend when Bar-E-L Angus of Stettler was honoured as the Ed Boake Memorial Purebred Breeder of the Year. To top it off, their name was drawn by Earl Scott as the winner of the heifer calf generously donated by Scott Stock Farms of Crossfield (the Red heifer was selected).
Hern Ranches, Jim & Carol Hern & Family of Bindloss, AB were recognized as the 2009 Alberta Commercial Breeder of the Year. Congratulations!
Show results and photos are now posted HERE.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Lots of friends at Cody Davis Benefit
The Friends of Cody Davis Benefit held at Acme, AB Aug. 12 was a sold out event. Lots of Angus and cattle industry support along with great community participation.
If you missed out and wish to donate, visit "Friends of Cody" for contact info.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Post Tour wrapped up and its back to reality!
Now that the dust has settled and and the majority of us are back at home and reality, its good to know that many international visitors are still in the country having arranged individual herd visits. Larry Toner reports from the post-tour which ended up in Saskatoon that it was a joy to travel with people intent on having a good time. This has been a real boost to our industry and breed and we should feel results for years to come!
View photos taken during the Forum HERE.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Your comments, input wanted
The planning committee for the World Angus Forum in Canada would like to know your thoughts about the WAF. To register your comments about your experience visit and click the "Send us your comments" link.
A list of news stories, video and photos on the Forum are also being compiled. If you spot an item, please sent it to and it will be added to the list.
A list of news stories, video and photos on the Forum are also being compiled. If you spot an item, please sent it to and it will be added to the list.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Spruce Meadows goes back to horses
The 10th World Angus Forum is now history and horses have been restored to their usual place on the grounds at Spruce Meadows. Kudos to all exhibitors and volunteers for clearing out all traces of cattle right on schedule. Special recognition to barn bosses Carol High, Sandy Hosegood and all members of the volunteer committees. This was an extraordinary event staged by extraordinary people. The medals won and friendships started or renewed will be treasured for years to come.
Now back to the day to day business of raising good Angus cattle!
Now back to the day to day business of raising good Angus cattle!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Final 2 Forum days beautiful for the shows
Sorry to be a bit shy on updates here, but most efforts have gone into mingling, visiting and updating Be sure to check out the site as all the events are posted as soon as complete - sale, shows, candids, links, etc. Lots of people watched the shows live on the internet and have been checking out the website. The parking lots at Spruce Meadows are filled and the traffic through the barns has been great. Certainly heard a number of different languages being spoken.
Just the closing Gala to go and then it is time for Argentina and then New Zealand to take over World Forum planning. I'm sure the 10th WAF in Canada will be talked about for a long, long time.
Just the closing Gala to go and then it is time for Argentina and then New Zealand to take over World Forum planning. I'm sure the 10th WAF in Canada will be talked about for a long, long time.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
WAF catch-up
Phew! A hectic few days and that's with not even attending all the events! Just a short summary here now, and photos will be added after snatching a few zzz's.
Monday - rain, rain and more rain. So much in fact that the pitch fork BBQ was transferred from the Flying E Ranche to the Stavely Community Hall. An excellent bit of last minute magic by the WAF committee and caterers to get all those people moved and fed in an hour. And despite all the work and preparation that went down the drain with the rain, the Sears family from the Flying E were in great spirits and wonderful hosts at the changed location.
Tuesday - less rain and more jam packed. Meetings - Sale - Opening Gala. The comment that stands out in my mind as I was leaving: "it was worth every cent to put this on and to be here!" Visit for initial sale results.
Monday - rain, rain and more rain. So much in fact that the pitch fork BBQ was transferred from the Flying E Ranche to the Stavely Community Hall. An excellent bit of last minute magic by the WAF committee and caterers to get all those people moved and fed in an hour. And despite all the work and preparation that went down the drain with the rain, the Sears family from the Flying E were in great spirits and wonderful hosts at the changed location.
Tuesday - less rain and more jam packed. Meetings - Sale - Opening Gala. The comment that stands out in my mind as I was leaving: "it was worth every cent to put this on and to be here!" Visit for initial sale results.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Barn & Display setup underway at WAF
Wow! Breeders have really outdone themselves in their stall displays at Spruce Meadows. About half the barns are set up with the rest to follow Monday. And it all looks outstanding. It has also been a great opportunity to meet new breeders and catch up with old friends.
Tomorrow will be a very busy day in the barns as well as the Market Place and Horizons Pavilion as the final touches get put on all the displays and the rest of the cattle move in and get washed. If you get a chance to visit anytime July 14-16, you really should do a tour.
Pictured are just a few scenes during set up. Lots of work but still time for play in the shavings. Even the odd difference in direction! But by Tuesday a.m. it will all look amazing.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
WAF at the Chuckwagon Races
The WAF Pre Tour participants were joined by many other Angus enthusiasts at the Calgary Stampede Saturday night for a trackside steak BBQ followed by the chuckwagon races and grandstand show. The crowd was welcomed by WAF Chairman John Lee, Canadian Angus President John Donaldson & Stampede President David Chalack accompanied by the Stampede Royal trio. Most participants seemed thrilled with the tour so far and had gotten into the Stampede spirit with the purchase of a few pairs of cowboy boots and hats along the way. Many are off to the rodeo finals Sunday afternoon and it even looks like the weather might be favourable (cross your fingers).
Also a busy day out at Spruce Meadows with volunteers ensuring all things are set for cattle arrival to tie-outs and display set up in the barns. Had to change the WAF website to read: "It's Here!" After counting down the days until the Forum start for a year and a half, less than 24 hours to go until July 13 seems incredible.
Special note: Former Eat Beef driver Tyler Helmig made a terrific run off of barrel 4 in the final heat of the night at the chuckwagon races and placed 2nd out of the top 8 meaning he will be in the final dash for the big bucks off barrel 1 Sunday night. Go Tyler!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
World Angus Forum on the world wide web
Did a Google search for World Angus Forum and found a few interesting sites featuring news. William MacLaren, president of the UK Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society has been writing a blog on the association website about their pre pre-tour in Canada. Quite interesting to see how our cattle are perceived! You can follow his reports on the adventures of the UK group HERE.
Also posts on,, Angus e-list, Twitter & Facebook, where hourly show updates are promised (although you can watch all the shows live on Available results, photos and video will also be posted through & Take it all in!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Pre Tour off to cool but event filled start
By the time our news source collected the Aussie who missed two connecting flights (poor guy was fading fast) and detoured for a rescue pickup, day one of the pre tour was well underway. The combination of altitude, changing weather and great grub should have the tourists sleeping well before their trek to the Columbia Icefields and Banff National Park.
Then its off to Stampede where we will catch up with them again at the trackside BBQ and the chuckwagon races on Saturday night. We'll be rooting for former "Eat Beef" chuckwagon driver Tyler Helmig to make it into the semi-final 8 (he's currently sitting in 9th overall).
Pictured are participants at a demonstration of cowboy mounted shooting - complete with earplugs! Click pics to enlarge - see anyone you know?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
WAF Pre Tour Starts Today
Welcome to Canada and Alberta! The WAF Pre-Tour starts today and we're all hoping the cool, wet weather changes to be a bit warmer (except in areas around Camrose and Stettler where rain is really still very much needed). Keep up to date with the ever changing weather conditions for Calgary by visiting Environment Canada's website.
The tour starts from Calgary and heads north to visit Alta Genetics, Irvine's Tack, Trailer & Western Wear and then a stop at the Olds Auction Mart where everything is spic and span for the Stampede's Auctioneer's Contest on Friday. Then off to Marshall Feedlot for lunch, the Sylvan Lake Hockey School and Alhambra for a demonstration of horse skills and supper. The day ends at Rocky Mountain House for overnight before heading to the mountains. Several volunteers will accompany the tour on the first day. If any photos filter back, they'll be posted here.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Everything Angus at the Forum
With the World Angus Forum just days away, plans have been made to keep you up to date with what's happening July 13 on the tour and July 14-16 at Spruce Meadows. You can watch the shows live on or catch up with results, photos and daily video at And of course follow the Everything Angus "On the Road" blog for news and photos of events as they happen. A complete wrap-up will follow the conclusion of the Forum. Hope to see you there!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Canadian Junior Ambassador
Matthew Fleury was named Canadian Junior Ambassador during the AGM banquet on Saturday night. Pictured is Matthew with Canadian Angus Foundation chairman Barry Young. Congratulations to all the contestants!

Friday, May 8, 2009
And the winner is . . .

Tune in tomorrow night to see the winner of the Canadian Junior Ambassador competition. Who will it be?
Tour, meetings & great food!
First things first - the 2009-2010 Board of Directors of the Canadian Angus Association, pictured in front of beautiful Lake Harrison.
Friday was tour day for those not in meetings. Off to Hell's Gate (for those of us beyond Hope) for lunch and visits to Agassiz and the Agriculture Research Centre. Delicious salmon and chicken dinner at the fair grounds complete with entertainment. Just enough time left for a quick trip to the hospitality room.
The "First Lady" waves to the crowd from the "red carpet" during the Hell's Gate tour.
AGM Receptions, Junior Ambassador Competition
At the well-attended President's reception Thursday night President Bob Switzer and first lady Gail shared the spotlight with five very impressive contestants in the Junior Canadian Angus Ambassador competition. Speeches given on the value of the upcoming World Angus Forum left no doubt that any one of the five would be worthy of the title.
The contestants have another day of interviews and questions with the amassador award winner to be announced at the Saturday night banquet. Competing for the title are (& apologies if spelling is incorrect!): Ellen Dixon, PEI; Quinn Hamilton, AB; Kristine Sylvestre, SK; Adeline Bayes, AB; and Matthew Fleury, SK. Best of luck to them all.
Beautiful resort, rain so far
The contestants have another day of interviews and questions with the amassador award winner to be announced at the Saturday night banquet. Competing for the title are (& apologies if spelling is incorrect!): Ellen Dixon, PEI; Quinn Hamilton, AB; Kristine Sylvestre, SK; Adeline Bayes, AB; and Matthew Fleury, SK. Best of luck to them all.
Beautiful resort, rain so far
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
News from the CAA AGM in Harrison Hot Springs
Visit the EverythingAngus blog during the CAA Annual General Meeting May 6-10. I'll be reporting nightly with news and views from the Hot Springs in BC! Photos as well if I can figure out my cell phone uploads . . .
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