Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Apologies . . .

You may have noticed updates being a bit tardy on Everything Angus lately and please accept apologies for that. Much of the past two weeks has been spent transitioning to a professional email service for Everything Angus Web Mail announcements. Over the summer major changes were made to the majority of Internet Service Provider spam settings which forced the move. Keeping up with technology is a full time job requiring a degree to just be able to understand the terminology used (not gonna happen here!) so the best move was to work with the experts.
The bulk of the change has now been made and after a good night's sleep, things should be back to normal.

Watch for one other upcoming change to the Everything Angus Classifieds and Calendar. The soon to be launched site section will offer a self-serve buy-and-sell solution to Angus breeders, and all for free!