We've been working for quite some time to get a new "Angus Market" with free classifieds (up to 4 photos and 100 words) and a Breeder Directory (1 photo & 50 words) and it's almost complete - in English with French to be available. Just a few server inconsistencies yet to figure out and it is ready to roll.
Also included will be a new calendar format where more details about your events can be included. Both the Angus Market and Angus Calendar have been configured to help promote your events to the Angus world - and all for free.
Of course, all this software and work does have a cost, so we would like to thank those breeders and companies who have supported our sites with paid advertising, Angus Webmail, e-Catalogues & ads (now called e-Features). This is what keeps us going in the wee hours of the night along with countless cups of coffee. The integration of all our sites means these ads & features will now appear on ALL of them for maximum exposure.
We will make an announcement when the site goes live so get prepared now. List the semen & embryos you may have available, dust off those show supplies that have been sitting around unused, or get ready to advertise your next litter of puppies. If it is of interest to Angus Breeders in Canada, you can list it on the Everything Angus Market. Hope to see you using it soon!